
Kawanishi N1K2-J Shiden-Kai (built July 2017)


The Plane

The story of the N1K2-J began with the N1K1 Kyofu. The N1K1 was similar in speed and maneuverability to the Zero, impressive for a floatplane fighter.

A land-based variant of the N1K1, the N1K1-J Shiden, took flight in late 1942. It was a promising design but had complications with its engine and landing gear.

The N1K1-J Shiden was further refined to the N1K2-J Shiden-Kai. A notable difference was that the wing was mounted lower on the N1K2-J, allowing for shorter landing gear. The Shiden-Kai was an excellent fighter capable of taking on the latest Allied types. However, it lacked the high-altitude performance to intercept B-29s. The Allied codename for this aircraft was “George.”

The Kit

It’s a 1/72 Hasegawa kit. I don’t have any images of the sprues but they can be found here.

The Build

Overall it was an enjoyable build. The parts fit together nicely. Assembly was straightforward.

The Result

model model model model