
McDonnell Douglas F-15A Eagle (built July 2018)


The Plane

The F-15 Eagle is a air superiority fighter capable of exceeding Mach 2.5. The F-15 entered service in 1976 and is expected to remain in the USAF inventory for several more decades. Foreign operators of the Eagle include Israel, Japan, and Saudi Arabia. F-15 pilots have scored over 100 kills against zero losses.

The Kit


I purchased this kit at a Taiwan hobby shop for $3 USD. The manufacturer of this kit is Mini Hobby Models but the mold was created by Crown in 1975. The kit includes neither an interior nor wing hardpoints.

The Build


Assembly was simple and all pieces fit together snugly. The aircraft’s markings indicated it belonged the 18th Wing of the USAF, stationed in Okinawa.

The Result

model model